User talk:Kjetil r/arkiv3

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Arkiv av brukerdiskusjonen til user:kjetil r august 2006 – januar 2007

Image:Old Drum Statue.JPG[edit]

First, thank you for replacing the image. It is appreciated. I have contacted the Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce and have been informed that they headed the committee to erect the statue starting in 1956 and that the statue was released into the public domain for all to enjoy. As the statue is in the public domain my photograph cannot have a copyright and is in the public domain too. I do not see a tag to change the licence to show the photo is in the public domain because the sculpture is in the PD. Is this sufficient and is the licencing PD ok since I have no authority to release to PD as it is already in the PD? Also can I remove the deletion notice or can you?

Thanks again --Abernaki 23:39, 1 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Your photo is copyrighted, even if the statue is in the public domain. You may thus put whatever licensing tag you wish at it. This is because you create a new work of art when you photograph it. I have removed the deletion notice, everything is fine now.
One small note: You have not categorized your photo. See Commons:Categories for information about this. —Kjetil_r 10:01, 2 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

This image is over 50 years old. But not 70. And that's what it should be to get in the commons, right? Then I suggest it to be delete it. You're the only administrator I know over here.. Ha en god dag? (Marcus røyk ut av Norway Cup på loddtrekning :o( NorwegianMarcus 15:35, 2 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Tja, norske fotografier uten verkshøyde vernes jo bare i 50 år, så spørsmålet blir vel om dette bildet har det. Det er det sikkert delte meninger om, om du mener at det har det bør du liste det opp på COM:DEL. Jeg kommer i alle tilfeller ikke til å hurtigslette det.
User:Jhs er forresten også administrator her. Og ja, du kan skrive til meg på norsk. Ha en god dag du også. Hilsen Kjetil 21:38, 2 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Det virker temmelig risikabelt å tolke dette som et bilde og ikke et verk. Med tanke på hvor komplisert det var å ta et bilde av slik kvalitet i 1924 kan jeg ikke forstå at det kan regnes som et trivielt bilde, ikke minst siden det er tatt av en profesjonell fotograf. Regelen om fotografisk bilde var ment å skulle hindre at ethvert feriesnapshot ble vernet i levetid + 70 år, og ikke for at profesjonelle fotografers bilder skulle bli frigitt tidligere. Cnyborg 20:32, 3 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Ja, du har nok rett her. Jeg skal sette det opp til sletting. --Kjetil_r 20:58, 3 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Sletting av russebilde[edit]

Image:Russ passing by the Royal Castle in Oslo, May 17th 2002.jpeg Er markert for sletting. --Bep 22:03, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Category:Coats of arms of Norway[edit]

There seems to be an intolerable impasse of the discussion with regards to the status of this category. Perhpas it's time it be nominated for deletion? __meco 22:57, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Jeg skal innrømme at jeg ikke har peiling på våpenskjold, og holder meg derfor unna disse her på Commons. --Kjetil_r 23:00, 7 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Jeg var upresis i referansen. Det er denne maldiskusjonen jeg siktet til. __meco 14:38, 8 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hello -- please be more careful in future about tagging images as without source. Your tag caused this image to be deleted, though it says very clearly "Photograph taken by Dan Smith" (this is me); I have now undeleted it. Of course I have an original image on disk someplace, but your tag was careless nonetheless.

Regards — Dan | Talk 19:08, 10 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I guess you misunderstood. You did not state the name of the sculptor, is the statue in the public domain? See Commons:Derivative works. --Kjetil_r 22:28, 10 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I've tagged it as {{Derivative}}; the sculptor en:Robert Berks is still alive. Cnyborg 07:45, 13 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I have now deleted it. --Kjetil_r 18:37, 13 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Image:01 graf zeppelin.jpg[edit]

Hello Kjetil r, I uploaded Image:01 graf zeppelin.jpg after permission of MaritimeQuest. Is that not sufficient? Regards BoH 01:47, 13 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hello BoH. I doubt that has the right to grant such a permission, does the copyright belongs to them? Can you paste the email with the permission here, so I can see it? Regards --Kjetil_r 06:15, 13 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I have posted the e-mail on the talk page, for what it's worth. If it doesn't comply with your standards, I guess I have to wait another two years until it's 70 years old? BoH 00:31, 14 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I'll just jump in here. The permission given is clearly not enough; you've asked for use on Wikipedia, not use and modification anywhere. Furthermore, as Kjetil says it's unlikely that Martitime Quest actually holds the copyright to the image; if they do they would have to state that clearly. One more thing, the photographer might be known, even though he is not credited at MartitimeQuest, and if so the image is protected until the end of the 70th year after his death, not 70 years since publication. Cnyborg 02:04, 14 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
One should always use Commons:Email templates whan asking for permissions, to avoid ambiguous answers.
I have now requested deletion, see Template:Deletion_requests#Image:01_graf_zeppelin.jpg. --Kjetil_r 11:10, 14 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Nynorsk brukargrensesnitt[edit]

Kan du leggje inn dette?:

MediaWiki:Welcome/nn: Velkomen MediaWiki:Welcome-url/nn: Commons:Velkomen MediaWiki:Latestfiles/nn: Siste filer MediaWiki:Randomimage/nn: Tilfeldig fil MediaWiki:Contact/nn: Kontakt oss

--EIRIK\talk 13:25, 16 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Klart det. --Kjetil_r 13:29, 16 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Gidd du å leggje inn Delta på MediaWiki:Participate/nn òg? --EIRIK\talk 13:30, 16 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Jepp. --Kjetil_r 13:31, 16 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Tusen takk skal du ha! --EIRIK\talk 13:32, 16 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


OK, sorry. Now I know about it, but it was my first delete. Please forgive me :-) Lestat 20:50, 16 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

No problem! --Kjetil_r 05:13, 17 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi Kjetil.

The licence i have used, -(cc-by): This man who had make the phote said to me, that everyone can used the picture, when his name is on the photo. Does i need a "Paper with signature" form Jakob Erwa???? The other thing is: Should i write to "Source", Jakob Erwa??

Sorry about my bad Englisch? Do you speak German??

And the last question? How can i change the "licence" and the "source". Must i download the picture new???

Please you have patience with me.


Hallo Franz. Ich kann versuchen zu schreiben in Deutsch, aber mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht ;-)
Ich habe schon die "Permission" und Lizenz verändert. Ich glaube dass das Bild jetzt ist in Ordnung.
Du kannst die «license» und «source» ändern bei klicken die Schaltfläche «Seite bearbeiten». Gruß, --Kjetil_r 02:56, 22 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hallo Kjetil

Vielen Dank für ihre Bemühungen. Habe jetzt bei "Source" nichts mehr eingetragen. Ich hoffe jetzt ist alles richtig. Werde mich in Zukunft besser damit beschäftigen.

Ihr Deutsch ist sehr gut.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Franz Zwerschina

Hi Kjetil

What should i write at "source". The authors name? or my name. Please help me.

Franz Zwerschina

Hallo Franz.
Bei «source» können Sie schreiben die WWW-Adresse wo Sie fanden das Bild. Gruß, Kjetil_r 17:22, 26 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hallo Kjetil

Das Bild stammt persönlich von Mr. Erwa. Er hat es mir gegeben. Habe es also Nicht im Internet gefunden. Genügt es also, seinen Namen zu nennen?? Verzeihen sie meine Unfähigkeit.

Moritz Erwa gave me this picture. So, i found it not on internet. So, can i write his name(Moritz Erwa) in "source"?? I am sorry about my unprofessonality.

Gruss Franz Zwerschina

Hallo. Ja, dann können Sie scheiben seinen Namen. Gruß Kjetil_r 01:36, 29 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

This image was rather bad... Sory, mate, but it is. (Du tåler litt erting?) What kind of camera do you use for you photos? I'm just wondering.. NorwegianMarcus 14:48, 21 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Kjeften. ;-) Han stod i bakgrunnen på et annet bilde jeg tok, så han er selvfølgelig ute av fokus. Du får foreslå det slettet om det er for dårlig. :-) Hilsen Kjetil 17:27, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
Neinei, men jeg bare lurer på hva Espen selv synes om at det er bildet i hans Wikipedia-artikkel... NorwegianMarcus 15:22, 22 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Og; nå kan du stille deg spørsmålet.. Hva om vi fikk lov til å bruke dette?? NorwegianMarcus 15:23, 22 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Beklager at jeg blander meg inn i debatten. Havnet tilfeldigvis på denne siden. Har tatt meg den frihet å justere Espen Johnsen. Må bare innrømme at det er vanskelig å lage gull av gråstein. Litt justert :) Vennlig hilsen --Jarvin 06:11, 27 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Det er selvfølgelig helt ok å blande seg inn. :-) Takk for forbedringen du gjorde. Jeg tar meg den frihet å legge din versjon over min, jeg kan aldri tenke meg at noen vil bruke den ikke-justerte versjonen i en artikkel. --Kjetil_r 06:19, 27 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Da skulle alle være fornøyde, kanskje også Marcus. PS- Ha en fin dag. --Jarvin 07:51, 27 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Jeg er forøyd, ja, men vet ikke om Espen er det, ser helt tullete ut, men det gjør han alltid. RBK: Selg ham! NorwegianMarcus 07:13, 28 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

image source[edit]

i kindly request you to identify the whereabouts - which museum ?- of the painting reproduced in > <> > fr:Image:Charles le temeraire.jpg

thank you

abolala Soudavar

I have now searched for an hour, and I have not found the painting anywhere on the World Wide Web, other than on Wikipedia and on Wikipedia mirror sites. I am suspecting that it is not Charles who is depicted.
I have now asked at the English Wikipedia, hopefully somebody there may help us. --Kjetil_r 20:31, 31 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
User:Laura1822 says the painting belongs to Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. --Kjetil_r 05:20, 8 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Alt vel i Michigan? Last-opp-lenken på es:wp går direkte til den spanskspråklige opplastingssiden. Jeg fikk ikke til noe tilsvarende på no:MediaWiki:Upload-url. Vet du om det er mulig? --Duffman 21:30, 31 August 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Halla Duff. Det ser da ut til å funke bra på no: nå, ser ut til at ZorroIII fikset det.
Ting er bra her borte, selv om aldersgrensen på alkohol på 21 år er tricky (de fleste jeg kjenner her borte er 20). Vi drar derfor til Toronto i helgen for å «slappe av», det er praktisk å bo i nærheten av Canada :-P --Kjetil_r 03:03, 1 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Thank you[edit]

Thank you for welcoming me properly and so professionally! --Kimberly Ashton 23:52, 8 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Are IMDb images copyrighted so we can't use them? I've seen a lot of peeople put IMDb photos and I have a photo to upload. --K 22:23, 9 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Images from IMDb can in general not be uploaded to Commons, as they are not freely licensed. You might have seen some users put IMDb photos on the English Wikipedia, but that is under the Wikipedia:Fair Use doctrine. Sincerely, Kjetil_r 05:21, 10 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Loggett inn[edit]

Hallois igjen. Last opp fil-lenken på no:wp går til Commons, men brukere som ikke er registrert/logget inn på Commons får bare beskjeden "Du må være loggett inn for å kunne laste opp filer. Tilbake til Hovedside." Dette ville det vært lurt å forbedre. Siden bør i det minste inneholde en beskjed om at brukere må registrere seg på Commons hvis de er sendt direkte fra en annen wiki, og helst bør man få en kort innføring i hva Commons er og hvordan det fungerer. I tillegg må selvsagt skrivefeilen rettes. Tar du deg av dette når du har tid? --Duffman 17:47, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Jeg har nå oppdatert teksten litt. Vet ikke om den bør være for lang, en henvisning til brukerportalen hvor man finner alle hjelpetekster er vel nok? Jeg tenkte jeg skulle oversette innloggingsvinduet også, bare jeg finner alt jeg trenger blant Mediawiki-filene (det kan være litt av en jungel). Cnyborg 18:58, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Finner ikke helt fram i det, hvis noen kan peke i riktig retning kan jeg ta login også så vi får en norsk versjon. Cnyborg 19:07, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Det ser da ut som innlogginsvinduet allerede finnes på norsk, ? Jeg prøvde å legge til norsk i MediaWiki:Loginlanguagelinks, men det funker bare sånn halvveis - jeg ser lenken til norsk i IE, men ikke i Mozilla. --Kjetil_r 19:38, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Nå ser siden slik ut, dessverre. --Duffman 21:02, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Oi da, jeg har tilbakestilt nå. Jeg kopierte bare malen de hadde brukt i den tyske versjonen, men ett eller annet gikk tydeligvis galt. Har du noen ide om hvordan det bør gjøres? --Kjetil_r 22:01, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Jeg la inn URL'en i stedet for Wikilenke, og da fungerer det. Eneste svakhet er at den lille pilen for eksterne lenker blir med. Cnyborg 23:51, 14 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Det bør være med en setning om at brukere som kommer direkte fra en annen wiki må registrere seg på nytt. I tillegg kan det nevnes at Commons er en mediebase og at filene kan settes inn på alle wmprosjekter. En annen ting: som dere ser er det en blanding av norsk og engelsk på sidebaren... --Duffman 05:18, 15 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Da har jeg lagt på litt. Sidebaren, ja. Jeg finner ikke den norske filen, skal lete litt senere. Cnyborg 13:55, 15 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
OK, jeg fant ut hvordan det skal gjøres. Jeg er ikke sikker på om alle sider eksisterer på norsk, jeg må gå gjennom dette skikkelig senere, når jeg har bedre tid. Trenger å få i meg litt mat og ta en pust i bakken nå. Cnyborg 14:01, 15 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Da er sidebar ferdig oversatt. Si fra dersom det er noe rart som henger igjen, men det ser bra ut hos meg. Cnyborg 16:41, 15 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Det ble veldig bra. Takk for hjelpen, folkens! --Duffman 13:17, 17 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Opphavsrett på veiskilt?[edit]

Se Image:InfoSigns-Espevaer.jpg. Er det formgiveren av skiltet som eier opphavsretten? I så fall kan du slette bildet. Jeg har ikke funnet fram til opphavsmennene /-kvinnene til skiltet. Roarjo 17:30, 19 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Slike skilt har vel ikke verkshøyde, jeg tror ikke opphavspersonene til skiltene har noen rettigheter når det gjelder ditt fotografi. --Kjetil_r 18:20, 19 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Jeg er helt enig, dette er generiske skilt, og opphavsretten må ha ligget hos den som først satte bokstaver på en plate med spiss i den ene enden. Han er antagelig død for mer enn 70 år siden (jeg er morsom nå, ikke spydig). Cnyborg 18:37, 19 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Mellom linjene bad jeg Kjetil om en vurdering av om det kunne dreie seg om avbilding av en skulptur eller bare av et ”simpelt skilt". En kan forestille seg at en kunstner kreerer en skulptur av generiske, men kunsterisk forseggjorte trepiler, en landsby kjøper installasjonen og plasserer den utendørs som utsmykning ved offentlig vei, samtidig som verket tjener en praktisk funksjon. Da har kunstneren rettigheter på verket sitt. Men i dette tilfellet valgte Kjetil å tolke objektet som en ”simpel” veiviser og ikke et kunstverk. En klar og ingen uventet konklusjon; bildet får overleve her, i allefall inntil noen andre kommer med begrunnede innvendinger. Roarjo 21:01, 19 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Interessant tankegang. Jeg tror ikke det er noe problem i dette tilfellet, det er uansett for generisk, men det kan være tilfeller hvor noe slikt dukker opp. Verdt å være oppmerksom på. Cnyborg 22:01, 19 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Admin news[edit]


If you consent for statistics to be published about your actions as an administrator, please sign here: Commons:Administrator permission for statistics. (I expect that most people will not have a problem with it unless you are especially concerned with privacy.)

Also, please be aware that we now have a Commons:Administrators' noticeboard. Please put it on your watchlist, if you haven't already!

cheers, pfctdayelise (translate?) 05:33, 7 September 2006 (UTC) P.S.: Pardon if this is a repeat (bot debugging...)Reply[reply]

Thanks again ...[edit]

... for your welcome and guidance, all of which is very helpful!

I know I'm probably still overcategorizing at this point, but going through the existing categories, I noticed that some plainly seem duplicative of each other, and on the other hand, a number of very specific (e.g., author or painter name) categories seem to be placed pretty randomly. E.g., I can see why "Writers from England" has to be be a sub-category of "Writers from Britain," and if you put a given author into the sub-category his name need not appear on the higher level again. But why is "British authors" a sub-category of "Writers from Britain"? Wouldn't it make more sense to merge these two? And similarly, why do the names of some English writers appear under "Writers from Britain" and some under "Writers from England"? (This is primarily what made me decide to put a few names under both headings in the first place -- BOTH categories look incredibly sketchy and random as they are now.) Would it be OK to try and put some order into that part of the category tree, by making sure that all English writers are ONLY listed under "Writers from England" (and all Scottish writers under "Writers from Scotland," etc.), so that "Writers from Britain" could over time, in a somewhat more obvious way, be turned into a major category containing several sub-categories -- e.g., authors by regional origin or by era -- but no specific author name categories per se? (Not that I can absolutely promise to do this ... but I'd like to try and see how far I get!)

Again, thanks very much for your help.

-- Andreagrossmann -- Sept. 27, 2006

Hello Andreagrossmann!
You are right about the category "British authors", it is redundant, and I have now deleted it (categories can not be redirected). If you see some writers listed under both "Writers from Britain" and "Writers from England", please remove them from "Writers from Britain". You are right that "Writers from Britain" should not contain any individual writers, but only subcategories.
There is no central authority behind the category structure here on Commons, meaning that new categories are made all the time, often without much planning. The category tree needs continuos restructuring, and it is great if you can help. My advice is to be bold, if you see two parallel categories try to merge them. Sincerely, Kjetil_r 18:03, 29 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Now both Category:Writers from Britain and Category:Writers from the United Kingdom exist, they should be merged. It seems like User:Juiced lemon is doing a major restructuring of the categories for british authors, I will let him finish before I try to merge. --Kjetil_r 18:09, 29 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Cool.  :) I think I'll check in on the Brits' pages every so often but will likewise focus on other things in the meantime. There are SO many redundant author categories ... and orphaned painters ... and ... and ... ;);) (And yes, I did have a life before I discovered this place.) -- Andreagrossmann -- Sept. 29, 2006
P.S. Just so someone knows what I'm doing (since I'd consider it bad manners to just come waltzing into a place and start revamping it without telling anybody), I've consolidated the contents of all redundant "Authors from" categories into the corresponding "Writers from" categories and tagged the (now empty) "Authors from" categories with deletion requests. I've also started to (re-)categorize the images sitting directly in major categories like "Poets," "Writers by nationality," etc. (have yet to do those sitting in "Writers" as such). If I don't run out of steam, I'll next start to go through the individual country/nationality categories and (re-)categorize all as-yet misplaced images sitting there, with the aim of eventually having only one major "Writers from" category per country/nationality, with subcategories for poets and playwrights where applicable -- or a maximum of two major country categories in those cases where there are also categories for "Literature of," because those aren't necessarily identical in makeup with "Writers from" (e.g., they may also contain images of manuscripts), so I think there's a point in keeping them intact. For the time being, I've started to cross-reference "Writers from" and "Literature of" by way of a "See also this [[:Category:]]" note at the top of the page. I hope at least some of this makes sense ...
On another note, some of the first images I uploaded have been suggested for deletion -- I take it there's an issue with the fact that they are of 3-D objects? Would it help if I dig out the sources where I found them and check the copyright statement there?
-- Andreagrossmann -- Oct. 01, 2006.
I am impressed, you have done so much with the category system lately. Please continue with your contributons!
There is a problem with photos of 3-D objects, yes. While photos of old paintings do not have the necessary Schöpfungshöhe to be copyrightable, photos of 3-D objects are nearly always copyrightable. I guess these uploads have to be deleted, unless you can give a source that states that the photos are free.
Do you know that you can sign your contributions by writing ~~~~? --Kjetil_r 18:32, 2 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Hi Kjetil r,

Per the CheckUser Policy, I have been granted the checkuser permission. Thankyou for supporting this request. Requests for checkuser can be made at the Administrators' noticeboard. Thanks, Alphax (talk) 01:33, 29 September 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


where is this: File:Ministry of racism.JPG? and this: File:Prime minister's office - racism in Israel.JPG

thank u bye!

Hi. They are now moved to Image:Ministry of fincance in Israel.jpg and Image:Image-Prime minister's office in Israel.JPG, as some users were concerned about the titles of the images. --Kjetil_r 16:30, 1 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Kan du hjelpe meg med å sette inn en AZ-logo til artikkelen min om AZ Alkmaar? hadde vært fint, på fohånd takk

En AZ-logo kan nok ikke brukes i artikkelen om AZ Alkmaar på bokmåls-wikipedia, da denne er opphavsbeskyttet og ikke under en fri lisens. Se Commons:Licensing for informasjon om hva slags materiale som kan brukes (de samme reglene gjelder på Commons og på no.wikipedia). Hilsen --Kjetil_r 18:14, 2 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The_REAL_Jimbo_Wales_Story[edit], eg trur du bør lese dene om du ikkje alt har gjort det. :) Anders 18:08, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ha ha ha, jeg lo godt av den der. Jeg så i samme slengen at bildet av Jimbo, User:Agtfjott og meg var funnet verdig til å illustrere en:Fedora (hat) ;-) --Kjetil_r 23:17, 7 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Kreditering av bilder[edit]

Vil det være mulig å bruke denne malen på commons? Egen mal

Om svaret er ja kunne du hjelpe meg med å overføre den og legge den på diskusjonsiden min, eventuelt i den kategorien som noen har laget til meg? ---Nina- 19:54, 8 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Se svar på din diskusjonsside. --Kjetil_r 00:39, 9 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Eg får ikkje scriptet ditt til å verke hjå meg (sjå her). Har du noka formeining om kva som kan vere gale? Veit du om det går an å bruke scriptet ditt og nn:Brukar:Eirik/monobook.js dette på same tid? --EIRIK\talk 19:22, 9 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hei. Jeg regner med at det dreier seg om scriptet som nominerer for sletting? Det er utdatert, da det baserer seg på den gamle slettingsprosedyren. Jeg vet ikke hvordan man oppdaterer det, men det er ubrukelig i sin nåværende form.
popupsdev.js kjenner jeg ikke til, så jeg har ingen formening om det. Hilsen --Kjetil_r 20:08, 9 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Thank you for your comments in Lar's recent RfA![edit]

Dear Kjetil r: I would like to thank you for your support in my recent RfA which passed 20 to 1. I really appreciate the trust you've placed in me. Please help me be a better admin by giving me feedback when you think I need it, and praise when you think I've earned it. With over 2000 image edits to your credit, you're clearly someone I hope to learn from and I look forward to working with you. Thanks again. ++Lar: t/c 03:23, 12 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I chose LEGO to illustrate my thank you messagess, because LEGO is a system that we build things with. Commons holds the building blocks that other wikis use to make great things. Without Commons images and media, other wikis would be much poorer. Let's help build the greatest freely available intellectual collection the world has ever known... together.


Hei, kan du slette Image:Karadjordje.jpg, det er allerede lastet opp her på commons. Babaroga 19:22, 18 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hei. Bildet brukes på seks sider i tre forskjellige prosjekter, så jeg kan ikke bare slette det. Merk det heller med {{Duplicate}} eller {{Superseded}}, og skriv navnet på den andre filen som parameter. Hilsen --Kjetil_r 20:12, 18 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Ok, da har jeg gjort det. Takk for hjelpen. Babaroga 21:21, 18 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Et grellt eksempel[edit]

Bilder jeg har lastet opp her har stort sett fått være i fred, men nå har noen funnet det for godt å prøve å «forbedre» et bilde. . På orginalen viser nok at bildet er tatt gjennom glass, men fargene er riktige. Det som er gjort med bildet med klare farger som en ikke vil finne i en gammel grav er helt grotesk. Bildet er også betraktelig redusert i størrelse.---Nina- 17:05, 23 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Bildene har da samme størrelse: 1941×1030. Uansett, hvis du er misfornøyd med den nye versjonen kan du jo tilbakestille til den gamle versjonen. Du kan så be User:Locutus Borg om å heller laste opp hans versjon under et annet filnavn om han ønsker å bruke sin versjon i «sin» artikkel. --Kjetil_r 04:02, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


You are free to reopen the deletion request and state your arguments there. My opinion is, that the two horses are identical and that making an identical copy of PD work does not give you a new copyright on the design. --ALE! ¿…? 07:12, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I have to say I agree; furthermore, the artist's intention was to make an exact copy; she did not intend to create a new design. Cnyborg 19:33, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi, you reviewed this image two days ago- if you look at the Flickr description it says Photo by Getty Images for Gibson Lounge therefore it is likely not legitimately released under a Creative Commons license. My experience is that if an image on Flickr availiable under Creative Commons looks too professional, it is probably no good. Regards Arniep 23:31, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi. Thanks for telling me, I will delete it immediately. Regards, --Kjetil_r 23:42, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
The Toolserver is down, so because I can not unlink it I have tagged it as a copyvio instead. --Kjetil_r 23:58, 24 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Question on nl: image[edit]

Hi Kjetil, please see my talk page for a reply. I guess it'll be a confusing read. So sorry about that... Siebrand 13:15, 26 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Derivative button[edit]

May i ask why do you think this button is derivative? I don't see the reason... Platonides 21:19, 27 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

It is a photo of a copyrighted work of art. The copyright of the sculpture belongs to Claes Oldenburg. --Kjetil_r 22:03, 27 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Thanks for removing the watermark, but your version added a bunch of JPEG artifacts. Would you mind uploading a PNG or higher-quality JPG version? Night Gyr 05:39, 30 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi. The image was 300KB as a PNG, and 186KB as a JPG in the highest quality possible. I chose to upload a new JPG - is it better? There will of course always be some loss of quality when working directly on a JPG, so the best solution will be to convince the author to upload a version without a watermark himself, based upon the original source file. --Kjetil_r 06:05, 30 October 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Kjetil, I hav begun cathegorizing my pictures. But som of them are still keeping their "Orphan" tags (see Cathegory:Vintage vehicles. How do I correct this? --Frode Inge Helland 18:24, 1 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hei. Tenker du på listen i galleriet ditt? Jeg ser at det er mange kategoriserte bilder der som likevel kommer opp som "orphan". I det siste har ikke denne gallerisiden vært helt god, jeg har selv mange kategoriserte bilder som kommer opp som orphans i mitt galleri. Det er det ikke så mye vi kan gjøre med, vi kan bare vente på at brukeren som lager programmet fikser det.
Du kan forresten bruke et annen tjeneste til å finne ukategoriserte bilder. Du finner denne under fanen "untagged" øverst på brukersiden din (eller ved denne lenken). Dette verktøyet har imidlertid motsatt problem - det pleier å underrapportere antallet ukategoriserte bilder. Hilsen --Kjetil_r 19:23, 1 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Derivative works, freedom of panorama[edit]

Kjetil, there may be a conflict brewing about freedom of panorama in Ukraine. Two editors seems to think that although Ukrainian copyright law does not have any "freedom of panorama" clause, it was fine to use such images since the law (according to their view) doesn't contain an explicit interdiction. See Butko's edit to COM:FOP (and my following edit), and Yakudza's edit to COM:DW. I've left a note at Commons Talk:Freedom of panorama, but I fear the view I expressed will not be accepted. I don't feel inclined to get into an argument about this. What is your position on this issue? Lupo 08:14, 2 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I will write a note at Commons Talk:Freedom of panorama. --Kjetil_r 19:41, 6 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Thanks! –KEBman 20:47, 5 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Jeg aner ikke hva du sikter til, men det er bra jeg kan være til hjelp. --Kjetil_r 19:40, 6 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Du la til riktig endelse i et ord jeg nå har glemt, slik at det fikk endelsen «ies». Dette var jeg over-måte fornøyd med, og fant etter nøye utredning ut at det var betimelig med en aldri så liten takk—eller i dette tilfellet en «Thanks!». Ha en ellers alldeles fortreffelig aften! –KEBman 01:54, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Pleases comment on the page (weather or not its a copyvio) Image:Evan Rachel Wood.png. I noticed you tagged it as copyvio. Should I delete it right away or is a debate in progress? --Cat out 06:15, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hei. I have deleted it myself. I didn't delete it at the time because CheckUsage was down, and I later forgot to do it. --Kjetil_r 22:21, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi, you recently deleted Image:Elfcup.jpg for being a logo. It is currently used in n:ELF Cup kicks off in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Could you temporarily undelete it so I can transfer it to a local wikinews upload? thanks. Bawolff 23:31, 19 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Done. --Kjetil_r 01:52, 20 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Thanks. Bawolff 05:41, 22 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi, please add a source to this photo. Regards, Thuresson 01:28, 30 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hei. Stygg feil det her, jeg bør vite bedre enn å flytte et bilde uten klar kilde over til Commons. Hilsen Kjetil_r 02:33, 30 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]
OK, tack i alla fall. Thuresson 10:59, 30 November 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Your guys are so rude. This is to let you know that Image:Shenyang from International Space Station.jpg is bad quality compared with image:Shenyang 123.38236E 41.77365N.jpg. This is one of the cirteria for deletion. Cariner 21:33, 11 January 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Your comments on Anna Akhmatova[edit]

The problem you are raising is related not only to this picture for which I got the permission for the author but even for my own pictures which I have uploaded. Actually you state that the permission for Wikipedia only is not enough.

I don't know about others but for my own pictures I want to grant the permission only to Wikipedia. I agree that the pictures I upload may be freely used within Wikipedia. But I have and believe that others too have strong feelings about these pictures being used by the New York Times to illustrate an article, by some Soft Drink company to promote their drinks and thus increase the obesity of children, by some other company which produces post-cards and sell the picture commercially. I have posted pictures I have taken of persons I know, who are University professors. I would be very annoyed if any of their students would take advantage of the free license to modify the picture and replace the head by a pumpkin. And this can go on and on.

There are copyrights which are released only to a single company and only for a specific use. As an example, I contacted the Getty Museum and found out how they grant their permissions of use.

I have tried to find out which type of tag I have to use in order to indicate that the picture which is my property and which I am uploading may be used by Wikipedia and the Wikipedia system - Wikimedia Wikicommons, Wikiquotes etc, - but not by outsiders. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but I didn't find it.

I strongly feel that such an option is necessary. If it exists, I would appreciate your kindness to direct me appropriately. If in doesn't the matter should be discussed openly in one of the Wikipedia system fora and steps should be taken to give wikipedians an option. I find it necessary to have the images which Wikipedians submit subjected to the same protection as texts. I am sure you are aware that there have been several discussions on plagiarism in the case of text from Wikipedia which has been used by others, one of these users being Der Spiegel. In this and other cases Wikipedia has reacted to protect its contents. I cannot see why such a protection would not be extended also to images.

Assuming such an option is not yet available, this in itself is not a sufficient answer. In that case the question is what steps are necessary to create such an option.


Afil 16:37, 17 January 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]

See User_talk:Afil#re:_Your_comments_on_Anna_Akhmatova for my response. I suggest that we keep the discussion there, as it is easier to follow when it is in one single page. Kjetil_r 17:23, 17 January 2007 (UTC)Reply[reply]