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Super speedy Doomy senate-stabbing Caesar's Revenge is more cartoon than cruelty

Big temper tyrannus

Fighting a bloodied roman lad, as a large Caesar face fades in over the screen.
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Pixel Barons

Oh, you like horrible metal do you. Oh, there are demons are there. Oh there's lots of gore and sadism is there. Yeah that's definitely why Doom was good, and also I can't just play Doom today for free very easily.

I usually scroll past this type of game. Caesar's Revenge is gory, sprinty Doom-style FPS with a metal soundtrack, but the premise was just silly enough to get me. Caesar probably had it coming, but so did the senators, and it turns out that resurrecting to kill them one by one is a pretty good laugh. Two wrongs make a right, probably.

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